Revita Shampoo 925 Ml


  • Contains precious materials specially designed to maintain scalp vitality and act on follicle dysfunctions
  • Ds Laboratories Revita Shampoo 925 Ml and Revita Cor Conditioner 925 Ml
  • Ds Laboratories Revita Shampoo 925 Ml and Revita Cor Conditioner 925 Ml

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DS Laboratories Revita Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo is a cutting-edge shampoo designed to stimulate growth of new hair while protecting existing hair from fallout. Ideal for men and women, this revitalizing hair treatment nourishes the hair and scalp with amino acids, strengthening the hair shaft for enhanced growth. Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients protect against pollutants and chemicals that damage hair and prevent healthy growth. Revita gives your hair and scalp the benefits they need for a fuller, thicker, healthier head of hair.


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